What’s the Point with Occupy Wall Street.

Events and a downturn of society will often spark protests. The massive bailout/stimulous bills and passing Obamacare triggered the TEA party party demonstrations. A poor economy and high unemployment is what really triggered and fueled the Arab Spring.  Wall Street failed us and got its bail out fundings three years ago.  I think its fair to say  that the Occupy Wall Street organizers are a little slow. While its pretty clear what  Occupy Wall Street is protesting, but so far their list of solutions is limited.

Contrast this with the TEA party. The response was immediate after the passing of the second wall street bailout, and they were clear about what they were protesting and they had answers. “Smaller Government” and no more new taxes.  Even the name, Occupy Wall Street,   suggest that the group and organizers are more about the protest than they are about getting results. The T.E.A partys name as everyone knows is unambiguous Taxed Enough Already. Their goal pretty clearly was to be represented in all levels of government  to restrict fiscal growth in government. Contrary to to the media, the TEA party is pretty neutral on most social issues and prefers to focus on taxes and spending issues. Because they are focused is the reason that a small young grassroots organization has been so effective at influencing elections and government direction.

The Occupy Wall Street  folks have crossed paths with the local law authorities, :

The protest came less than a week after police arrested 80 people during a march to the bustling Union Square shopping district, the most arrests by New York police at a demonstration since hundreds were detained outside the Republican National Convention in 2004.

A police commander used pepper spray on four women at last weekend’s march and a video of the incident went viral on the Internet, angering many protesters who vowed to continue their protests indefinitely.

On Friday, Occupy Wall Street issued a statement on their website saying that it has recently come into the media spotlight, not because of its political message, but because certain high-ranking members of the NYPD punched, threw, and stepped on peaceful marchers.

Arrestees were handcuffed so tight their hands turned blue. A senior police officer, meanwhile, forced women into pens and maced them at point-blank range, the group said.

“While we vehemently condemn these abuses of power, we urge all who read this to remain focused on our intended message. Abuse of power is abuse of power. Whether perpetrated by Wall Street bankers or members of the NYPD, it is the duty of all citizens to oppose injustice.

“We condemn the actions of unprofessional police who used excessive force in subduing a peaceful march. But we are foremost here to oppose the growing power of the ruling class,” the Occupy Wall Street statement continued.

There is an interesting spin on this from a Floridian congressional wannabe.

We all rolled our eyes in exasperation and made fun of the people who showed up to teabagger rallies with AR-15s strapped to their backs. But look at how nobody at those rallies got maced, tackled, beaten, or falsely arrested. It’s not because those rallies were more orderly or lawful—it’s because the people in attendance were ready and able to defend themselves from police oppression. We may not agree with everything (or even anything) that is said at those tea potty-paloozas, but they have a right to hold those rallies and speak their mind.

As do we. But even though we have more people and represent a broader segment of America, we’ve failed to attract media attention, and we continue to be squashed by police. We’ve failed to heed the number one rule of national news: “If it bleeds, it leads.”

Nobody got shot at the tea potty protests, despite all the guns. And we don’t need to start shooting at the drop of a hat, either. But we need to realize that unless we take steps to secure ourselves against oppression, we will continue to be swept under the rug and ignored. The ultra-strict gun laws in NYC that make it almost impossible for regular citizens to own firearms compounds the problem, because it’s now a crime for citizens to even attempt to protect themselves from having their skulls smashed in, or having twenty-five thousand volts zap across their hearts, or having the spice of a million jalapeños squirted into their eyes.

Parnell seems like a pretty nasty little man using homphobic  rhetoric while refering to TEAparty Members.  I have never heard a TEA Party member speak so offensively about the opposition, nor have I ever seen an AR15 or any other weapon at a T.E.A. party.  Although I was always armed and I know several folk there were likely armed. Any weaponry was legal and  properly concealed. We weren’t at all confrontational and most of us were more more in a celebratory mood than angry.  There were police at most of the events, but they were more concerned about traffic control than about controlling us. The police were as friendly as any of the TEA party folk.

I offer advise to the Occupy Wall Street . Focus on what you want fixed and the solutions rather than the demonstrations themselves.  The demonstration and protest will fix nothing if you have offered no solutions.  Remember that the bailout of Wall Street is what triggered the TEA partys.  Perhaps they should just let the big boys try to fix it.

Just Sayin’

About Liberty

Blogging is something I do for myself. I've been blogging since Sept. 2003, mostly about politics, guns, and observations about the word around me.
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