Dirty Jobs

Over at “Talking to myself again … is posted a video of Mike Rowe of “Dirty Jobs” More important he lays out a case of the important work he is doing. Teaching students trades and skills that should make them employable.

These are different times.  There is a peaceful revolution going on.  Citizens are rebelling against the elitist or otherwise known as, the ruling class.   One of the first patriots in this revolution was Joe the Plumber.  There was a time when the Democrats were believed to represent the “working people”.  This is because the Dems are beholden to the unions.  Today the unions are more about teachers, screen actors and professional ball players than they are about plumbers welders and carpenters. The blue collar industries are disapearing. Remember when we had a president that worked a ranch, our President today will only dirty his manicured hands if his basketball happens to roll into puddle, and even then an aide will be promptly expected to hand a Purell whip to the man.

About Liberty

Blogging is something I do for myself. I've been blogging since Sept. 2003, mostly about politics, guns, and observations about the word around me.
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2 Responses to Dirty Jobs

  1. sgtmac says:

    I have been watching the debate over schools on “Morning Joe,” my favorite morning show. They have had on the Secretary of Education, Christie-the new governor of New Jersey and also the mayor.

    They all make good arguments as to making the school systems better in their areas, aka New York and New Jersey as elsewhere. They have talked extensively about the teachers union, and how they fight the layoffs of “Tenured” teachers, even though a lot of them are terrible teachers.

    I forgot the gals name, but the rep for the teachers union has been on several times. Nothing is going to happen, until the teachers union compromises on tenure for bad teachers, and some of the outrageous things they are doing to fight the new Secretary of Education and others on rehabilitating our “Sick” and “Failing” school systems.

    As with everything else going on these days, I think the “Average Joe,” is just sick and tired of the same ol’ same ol’ and is ready for some “REAL” change!

  2. sgtmac says:

    After my last comment, I went over and watched Mike Rowe’s Video. Being one of the people he talks about (Carpenter), I highly recommend everyone watch this! Though his show is one of my favorites, his well educated, well spoken message, should be an eye opener for those in this changing environment.

    Now semi-retired, I am going to pass this video on to as many people as I can. Absolutely right on the mark!!

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