Global Warming on Trial

The End is Near

Texas is Suing The EPA claiming that the Restrictions on Carbon Dioxide and the assumptions of global warming are all based on ‘factually flawed’  data. The fraud is well documented.  Much of the data has been humm .. eerr  politically influenced.  Texas is suing the EPA on the grounds that we are being subjected to carbon dioxide restrictions based on false  fraudulent data. In other words the science is on trial.

“The state explained that the IPCC, and therefore the EPA, relied on flawed science to conclude that greenhouse emissions endanger public health and welfare,” Abbott said. “Because the Administration predicated its Endangerment Finding on the IPCC’s questionable facts, the state is seeking to prevent the EPA’s new rules, and the economic harm that will result from these regulations, from being imposed onTexas employers, workers, and enforcement agencies.”

The IPCC has become the target of criticism from other climate scientists, with numerous revelations of sloppy research, junk science, and allegations of cronyism, lack of transparency, and attempts to suppress contradictory opinions in the research which contributed to the IPCC’s 2007 findings.

“The IPCC had the objectivity, reliability, and propriety of its scientific assessments called into question after a scandal erupted late last year,” Abbott said.

About Liberty

Blogging is something I do for myself. I've been blogging since Sept. 2003, mostly about politics, guns, and observations about the word around me.
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