Righthaven Victims Organize for Support

Website operators  are being sued for copyright infringement. They aren’t getting cease and desist letters no warnings just a suit.  Blogs and other websites will often cut and paste portions of an article from news sources and expound on it to make a point or inform their readership.  It is legal with permission or under provisions of “Fair Use” Fair use allows the usage of small portions of   copyrighted material that is clearly identified as quoted and sourced, or to use content for parody, or review.

The Las Vegas Review Journal, a newspaper located in Las Vegas, Nevada, has hired lawyer group Righthaven LLC, to basically sue any and all web site owners who they accuse of copyright infringement over improper use of their news articles. These lawsuits are being issued without ANY previous contact or cease and desist orders as far we know. This is a blatant money making venture, not simply an attempt at copyright protection.

Many web content providers love being quoted and linked to. Links and quotes are what drive the search engines and is what ultimately drives traffic.  The term the “Web” is a visual of how links are the connecting threads that tie it all  together.

The defendants and victims of Righthaven LLC have found support and advice by uniting and sharing resources.

Fortunately, its seems that the victims and those opposed to RightHaven’s tactics have started to organize. Realizing that information is key, a new website has been established called RightHavenLawsuits.com. They say their mission “is dedicated to gathering together and posting for the public information about Righthaven LLC.” They have links to some of the lawsuits as well as articles on RightHaven LLC.

Another website called RightHaven Victims lists every individual, business, and blog that has been sued by RightHaven LLC for copyright violations. It encourages those sued to work together to share information and to unite to form a collective front against RightHaven LLC. They realize that one of the keys to RightHaven’s success will be the use of a “divide and conquer” strategy. This website is also sharing defense strategies being used by the defendants.

BTW: I don’t care how much I’m quoted as long as the context isn’t changed. Of course links are appreciated, but not always expected. 😉

About Liberty

Blogging is something I do for myself. I've been blogging since Sept. 2003, mostly about politics, guns, and observations about the word around me.
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